Copper Coyote's SXSW 2022 Must See Artists

Howdy Friends,
Every year I scour the artist schedules to find new acts & see which local artists I know will be performing. I make a little lineup of my must see artists and do my best to catch one of their shows.. I never get to see them all, but I give it my best shot. As we know, plans rarely go according to plan, and that's especially true with SX, because once you're out in it anything can happen..
In Alphabetical order:
- Argonaut & Wasp (@argonautandwasp)
- Beatnik Bandits (@beatnikbandits)
- Blackillac (@blackillacmusic)
- Buffalo Hunt (@wearebuffalohunt)
- Buffalo Nichols (@buffalonicholsmusic)
- Magna Carda (@magnacarda)
- Mobley (@mobleywho)
- Netherhour (@netherhour)
- Nightcap (@nightcapatx)
- Ringo Deathstar (@ringodeathstarrofficial)
- San Gabriel (@sangabrielmusic)
- Sir Woman (@sirwomanmusic)
- Stop Light Observations (@stoplightobservations)
- Sweet Spirit (@sweetspiritband)
- Zach Person (@zachperson)
Finally, I want to say that this should just be one of many resources you utilize to enjoy your SX.. I have a bevy of resources I lean on every year to compile my lineup, here they are!
- @whenwherewhataustin and @thedirtyteam put out invaluable resources. Batch RSVP services, Comprehensive schedule Spreadsheets & a cool new blueprint tool to help you through!
- @SXSWflyers for all the different event lineups
Hope to see y'all out there!
Liam from Copper Coyote